Hemmings Auto Blogs

Sunday, June 15, 2008

It's not too soon....

To make plans for my car show "Squads and Rods" It is September 14th in Golconda Illinois make plans to come out and see us all!!!!

Super Show!!!!

I've been at a lot of shows lately and seen very nice cars, the number of cars has been down due to Gas$$$$$ but still all in all good shows, check out my pictures at
many nice cars, remember the hard work these forlks put in to put on these shows and the hard work in restoring these fine cars!!

I've gotten a ride

In Allen B's 55 Chevy "SIX BITS" wow, what a ride!!! I had a great time in the car , enjoy the pictures.

I've been away, I'm back

I've been away but now I'm back and ready to go,in the meantime I've purchased a PIG , not the four footed kind but the car-kind, a cruiser, a back to the 29cents a gal. times a 1977 Cadillac Fleetwood! whooo boy, what was I thinking? here is what I was thinking.....They don't make them anymore... 425ci 13mpg seats that you get lost in, directions via Rand-McNally maps, it even has a built in CB radio!!! It will be my "Cruise Machine"
used to go to car shows and cruise ins, NOT to be driven daily!! still it get looks from people who haven't seen one of these in a long time....enjoy.